Lott Local News

(The Clarion)

Zenas Deer left Wednesday for Teague, wher he will accept a position with the Teague Tribune.

Watson Deer and family have returned from a visit to relatives in Mangum, Okla.

Edmund Johnson has returned from Coleman where he has been for several months.

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haile died Saturday night, and was buried in the Lott cemetery Sunday.

T. E. Battle of Marlin was looking after business interest here Tuesday.

Vandel Mercer of Chilton is the guest of Vance Martin in Marlin this week.

Mrs. Kate Alsup of Durango will spend Xmas with her mother in Waco.

he Daily Democrat, Saturday Dec. 21, 1907, page 6 , column 1 and 2

Reprinted with permission, of The Marlin Democrat
Lois Cooper
P. O. Box 112
Marlin, Texas 76661

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